Recent content by carrikerR2835

  1. C


    Yes he would for most cars but not everyone likes him so that causes other issues if they where to get someone it would need to be someone that isn't from the dirt track background so there wasn't any conflict with drivers but they won't put that much effort into this class cause most tracks...
  2. C


    It's been done at some tracks but yet didn't make any difference they don't stick to it cause then they lose car count
  3. C


    The class is suffering in car count yes. Are there things being upgraded from what they used to be absolutely but to go and say the top 5 are cheating and programming there computers is bs I've tried for 4 year to do something with my computer with no luck do we change the computer from one year...
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    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    Im game when ever you are bud just let me know when u have ur money in had to put my motor back together cause i know what my car i built has cant control what ur ppl build i just bought the car for the age and set up for half what it should have been but we can compare cars whenever ur ball are...
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    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    I Yeah go figure u dumping me after gething around u thats my fault too yep i could have takin u out a number of times but didnt did i hit u goin in to three and four yes u slowed way down i hit my breaks and slide into u but got out of it to let u staighin up then after i got around u then u...
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    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    Plz lets do this im so ready i can promise my cars good and for the calling and crying that never happened and yes i changed everything on that car stupid because when u go from unlocked to locked u have to change shit dumb ass and i promise u the way that car was set up it would have been...
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    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    Ok well thats kool lets have that vote and then we can do that each week and the fast cars get voted out that makes since just cause yall cant beat us with out a hoped up motor like sean has and we all know where it came from and can hear it loaping when he starts it lets go ahead and have that...
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    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    Thats funny thats the only track ive ever been kicked out of so once again get ur facts straight and have u said anything about fighting fat boy nope sure havent i said come talk in person instead of hiding behind ur computer you have an issue with us come to us like a man non alil boy on the...
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    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    I love how where a clique because we get along and help each other i see this as jealousy among the class get friends and hang out oh wait u cant cause yall r too kool thats ok will still b friends after all this goes away like ur racing careers
  10. C

    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    Sure havent came and ran ur fat mouth to me but on here ur just a bad ass and for the kids class how many year did ur buddy race this kids class 10 15 years thats right and if you knew anything where all the same age as sean i might even b younger so know ur facts fat boy before u bump ur gums
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    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    Ok internet touch guys u have something on ur mind come find me at the track and we can talk about it instead of hiding behind a computer im done with yalls trash talking grow a pair or shut the hell up non driving shit talkers
  12. C

    Lugge - McCarty incident at Tri-City

    hey dumb ass its not rocket outlaws its outlaw racing get it right stupid and grow some bs and say something at thw track instead of the internet
  13. C

    B-Mods added to Tri City Friday, Sept 27 - Modified Mania Night #3

    Well I guess the wrightings on the wall it would appear that tri city is considering doing they same thing as highland but plz answer me this kevin why shit on ur 15 guys that ran at ur track all year and take them from the show n add b mods that didnt run there or support ur track all year but...
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    "SHAMROCK 40" / "LUCKY 40" @ BELLE-CLAIR & HIGHLAND SPEEDWAY'S March 15th & 16th!

    Good to hear ur racing but thought u where gonna run the pro 4s with this show what happined to us running i was already gething ready for this race
