Search results

  1. M

    Gremlin for Sale

    Jeff Masson read it.He always talking about the old days.As a matter of fact he still has his car from that year.He also has Billy Beards old car,that Ronnie Sales bought new.He told me he was going to let Billy race it this year.It is restored the way it was when Billy bought it off Sales.Sales...
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    Gremlin for Sale

    It's not lost,it's just simply not knowing who to talk to.Jeff Masson told me that frame looked like the one Buzz drove in 1987.It was white that year he thinks.Top five in the modified were Mosier,Beard,Jordan,Masson,&Buckley.
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    Gremlin for Sale

    What do you want for it?I know a interesting fact that includes that car if it was Buzz's white mod he ran at Farmington
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    racing now or back in the day at allied

    Good old days Jeff Masson is restoring Ronnie Sales old centersteer from 1986.I don't know when he will finish it.He also still has two more.He has Junior Paule's old car that McClintock and he drove and he still has his 14 centersteer that he and Perry Tripp drove at Pevely,Belleville,and...
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    DuQuoin Mod Results?

    Brian Shaw Brian Shaw is the only 4 time winner.He was driving the Pierce Scorpion owned by Jeff and Kathy Masson.
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    Clay county speeday big $1,000.00 up for grabs today!

    Dumb Post This shows what you know.Brian Shaw is doing pretty well considering he only has a 374.Wonder what will happen when he straps on Jeff Masson's Jay Dickens powered Pierce Scorpion?
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    UMP Limited mods............

    Rock Rules No whining about alcahol carbs,please.
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    Thats your problem,your not thinking.I know it must be difficult to to be involved with a race car and not be so sensitive.I am not bashing no one or DRR.I was just trying to clairify the rules so everyone won't be whining about everything.I still say have rules and follow them to the letter.DRR...
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    I'll make a note and get back with you.
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    Who was not on gas?No one I seen.I presume you are talking about Kenny Kennedy.I seen them filling that car with gas at the track pump.Cory probably grinned when he saw that ticket!
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    You don't have anything of the sort,But I know someone who has.I know someone who has the equiptment to go play with the big dogs and don't stay on the porch.I checked with a friend and he told me UMP allows tracks to alter the rules to their preference to keep the car count up.The confusion...
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    Give me a break.UMP does allow quickchanges in their limited mods.UMP allows tracks to choose the type of carbs and the tire.They allow a track to go to another track twice a year and post UMP points as long as a UMP track running the same class is not within 50 miles.Go to UMP and look at the...
