

Co11inz Fan
Rained out at 12:51 pm. I can't belive it. There crazy. Its Sunny and not even raining.
Yea i kinda was wondering to what they were thinking calling a race at 1030 in the morning i heard at 1030 it was rained out! especially when it is a special event! i dunno about them if they really wanted to race they could have gotten the track worked in
In defense of the promoters and track personnel at I-55, you have to remember that they work full time jobs too. Marler has a Music Store that he owns and runs. The main person responsible for prepping the tracks works for Dave Sinclair Ford.

I gaurantee that if it were possible for them to get it ready, they would have. It is my understanding that the track takes out insurance for each event. I am sure this is a large amount of money. They don't get it back. The track loses a ton of money each time it cancels an event. I'm not talking about the revenue they lost, but the advertising and promotion of that event are gone, the insurance is gone, any food that had to be prepared or thawed is now useless.

Not to mention the many hours that went into the original planning and coordinating the event.

It's not a matter of they "just didn't feel like it." It is a business decision that costs them dearly and I gaurantee they do not like to cancel for any reason.

Ray, Mark and Chip, as well as Sue and Cheri all know what it takes to pull off a successfull show. If they made the costly decision to cancel, then it obviously was not even remotely possible.

It's not as simple as some think. They don't just show up, throw some water on the track, turn on the lights and PA system and drop the green flag, each event takes many many hours of prep work that most people don't realize.

I applaud them for cancelling it early enough for those that are travelling to stay home. It's a lot better than making the drive all the way there just to get rained out. Radar does not look good for this evening either.
We recieved buckets of rain out in that area this morning. I had big puddles in my yard. They are calling for more rain. Could this be one of them catch 22's ???? Lose - Lose situation :(
The track had a lot of rain yesterday, I drove through it on the way to work. So the rain yesterday and this morning took it's toll.

John Barr
The Trashdog
I just left the track. They already had a few motorhomes on hand for tonight. They had 3 inches of rain early morning. The only thing racing there would be boats. I also thought we didn't get much rain just 10 minutes away but, the track got dumped on. I'm sure if they could of raced they would. With Kenny and K.Wallace in town it would of been good.
Thanks for the reply Dennis.. Now get back to work. And get that order of mine done. LOL. Just kidding I know you are ahead of the game. By the way you always do such nice work for us ;) Thanks for all the EXTRA effort you put into this one for us....
With nearly 3" of rain in two days, about 2" of that this morning, they could not even get on the track to work it let alone deal with swamp on the infield.

Schrader would have raced if there was any chance at all they could of had the track ready. And by ready, I mean raceable, not rutable.

i personaly didnt see the track and dont know how much rain you guys had, but i know highland had all that rain last tuesday in about 30 minutes and it was only about 2 hours before the racing was supposed to start and i know they hadenough time to get it in! So i figured with there being schrader and kenny wallace both there they would have gave it till a little later in the day to call it cuz it has been pretty sunny the whole day since then!
they probably cancelled early to save some of the racers and fans a long drive for nothing. especially not knowing if more rain would come. its a bummer but o well.
Rain, Rain and more Rain...

Looking at the radar, the track just got nailed by a big hunk of rain, so they wouldn't have gotten it in anyway.
It didn't just rain yesterday morning it was off and on most of the day. Then it poared when I was in festus at about 6:00 to 7:00. No way they could have ran.
