2009 Fredericktown Raceway Banquet (revised)


I'm just drawn that way..
Due to all the confusion in the previous thread and the fact that the site wouldn't let me edit it as needed, I decided to delete it and start over. Here goes...

We will have our 2009 Banquet at Rosener's in Leadington on Sunday January 24 at 2pm. Both the venue and the times have changed from previous, so please make note of it.

Top three in each of the following classes will receive trophies:
UMP Modifieds
UMP Factory Stock (Pure Street)
UMP Pro 4s
Outlaw Caged Karts
305 Sprints
UMP Sportsman

We are also working on "special" awards for a little added fun. Hope to see you there!


Also a quick FYI - FredRock is the official username for the track and it will be either Jeff or me who uses it.
