99 karts, tires, gears, etc.


99 olimpic 007 40 nights on frame not bent $625 for frame have extra front spindles, roller for $700

99 ultramax 50 nights on it not bent $625 for frame and $700 as roller

tires A,B,C's $125 for right side and left rear 90% tread mounted

gears $10 - 12 (55- 68) some are new

two motors 3 nights on them blueprinted $500

spare for $450 all done by Mark Baur

roll around stand $120

stationary stand $30

01 pace 5X8 enclosed 500 miles on trailer has kart rack,tire racks, ans shelf, new spare tire $1400

digitron 32 for $75

have more stuff email me for more info snake4936@aol.com
