Tri-City Speedway Banquet date and information


We were unable to book another facility, everything we looked into was booked and were unable to host it at KG's.

Were sorry for any inconvenience we would have liked to have held it at a Banquet Center.

We would like to do it on Sunday, April 23 at Tri City and make it a family event.

Sunday, April 23rd
It will start at 1:00
Dinner at 2:00
Awards at 3:00
After party 4 to ?

Beer & Soda provided.

Wiffle ball game between the driver's

Everyone is welcome - Families, Race Fans, Sponsors and crews

Driver's - If anybody would like to bring their cars and put them on display on
the midway that would be great!

Thank you to everyone for your patience will make it a great fun day for everyone!
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