BRSD will stay OPEN in 2006

Big Tuna

Chicken of the sea
Track Closing

I was told that this track was closing and the owners were moving away and abandoning it? Why? What's wrong with the track?
I've not heard anything about it, however I've not been told ANYTHING about the track since early November and I can't get anyone to return my phone calls. So who knows.
Jason Waller called today expressing his concern about a rumor of the track closing. He assured me that the track would remain OPEN in 2006 and he apologized for not contacting us sooner. He anticipates the coming season and hopes everyone will be able to contribute to the necessary work day improvements on April 1 & 2. Jason asks everyone to please be patient during the next few weeks as he formulates his "to-do" list and activates the 2006 advertising program.

I will post more information as I receive it. Website & Contact Info will be coming soon!

Jason H.
Hello all!

I spoke with Mr. Waller today, and he has expressed his interest in re-acquiring for the 2006 season. An invoice will be sent out in the upcoming week, and as soon as the funds are received, reconstruction will begin on the website. I look forward to designing and maintaining once again, and I hope that you will all visit regularly.

Details of the website have not yet been finalized, but the website will be open and fully-functional no later than March 1, 2006.

Have a happy new year, and a great remaining off-season!

Nickolas Harris, webmaster
Design 85 Website Creation
thats great news, that post scared me when i first read it, ive gone to far this winter to turn back haha. but u know how it is theres always someone trying to stir the pot. And i also wanted to say congrats to both Jason and Christi on thier recent news..
Jeremy you know how that kind of stuff is. I mean SFCR is always being sold or having to move because of noise and too close to other businesses. There's a rumor going around about every track in this region. That's why I never put any faith into what is being said on here about a "rumor" because I talk with all the promoters too much. If something like that was going down I feel pretty confident I would have known something about it. Jason and Christi have got too much invested to walk away from it.
Well, the track is going to be open, as I thought it would be. They got these same rumors started last year. I'll stick to racing and picking on people, its more fun than starting rumors lol.
