carbs, rules, track, web


how many of you cruisers are running a 4412, and be honest, don't say you have one if you don't. give name and car number. this is just a pole to see. thanks, will not change rule. promoter and tech man are going to stay with stock carbs. thanks. but it's something for us to discuss and toss around. everything else is going just fine, working on web. does antbody know of any used scales. just post. The man who bush hoged the facility done a great job, hope he will continue to helps us as the season goes on. Again Thanks And PM if any questions needed answered on rules

jeff...#30...and we did purchase 1 last year when bluff ok'ed it...we couldnt seem to get anyone to work on the old quadra junks....soooo if anyone knows who is a good carb man..let us know...i hate that u r stretching all the other rules except here...but that is the rule so i dont know what we can do ...just hope we dont lose a race to a junk carb...when they r good they r good...but when they r bad......they r junk!!!!!!...holley 4412 makes a car smoooooth...
The track was not in a bad shape as we thought it might had been. It took us about 5 hrs to mow everything down. We are planning to help out all year. We also have a push truck that we will be bringing down.
