Grand Marshal for Oct. 9th 8 yr. old Tyler King

don hoener

don hoener
Eight year old TYLER KING will be A.A.R.A.'s SPECIAL guest on Oct. 9th at the MO/ILL DODGE DEALERS FALL SPORTSMAN NATIONALS!

TYLER is a BRAVE young fella who is battling a lethal form of Muscular Dystrophy! He will be on hand for the evening and will flag a race with Dennis. He will also be co-pilot in the pace truck and will lead the field to the green flag! I think it goes without saying but i think Tyler should need a box to take home a few treasures!

The King family are good friends with Mike Lerocque of G&M Steel and will be on hand giving out information on PARENT PROJECT MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY which is a support group for children and families who are dealing with this disease!
We will also ask any willing drivers to pass the helmets to help raise funds for the Parent Project!
Some how some way the drivers, fans will come through AGAIN! We are lucky to have these special children! Thumbs up Mike, Don, and Allied!

Don do you know what Tyler's interest are so we know what special treats to bring?
Mention a sick child and we all pawn our belongings for them... Let us know Mike we'd be more than HAPPY to help out in anyway. :)
I checked with Tylers Dad this evening! H said Tyler's interests include racing ,racecars and baseball! Sounds like a typical 8 year old!
It was nice to see many of the drivers in the stands with their helmets collecting money for him Saturday night!