Happy Birthday DRTFN4EVER2

Now how did I miss this one?

Happy Birthday Sweetie! Hope you had a great b-day! I must have been sleepin' again, sorry! :)
Thank you all

I want to thank you all for the b-day wishes. I had a great day.
Bomber momma i will see you at the banquet in January.
Thanks again all

:confused: Is it March yet?????:D
i know i took credit for starting this post,but i was kiddin'. but you know that already.hehe,i also know you had a GREAT birthday because you got to talk to me!!! hope it was a good day for ya. art.

yes i did get to talk to you and you did wish me a happy b-day thank you. ya you did get this started and you 14 yrs old and your nme is Brian right :D . You just take care of Jen and that little one, help here change the pamper and the feeding. I hope to meet up withyou guys soon yto see that little one .
