Happy Birthday Sloppyjoe!

thanks everyone,
it kinda ****ed but then again so does any day at work. lol but then i get home and there is a card for me from my loving wife that has a picture of my new generator in it.:D BUT the only reason i'm getting it is because we need it to run a/c and lights in the motorhome we bought. so hmmmmm is it my generator or is it a family generator? lol
Slopster, You'll Be Glad You Got The "family" Generator When You're Laid Back In That Cool Motorhome This Summer! :D
OH MAN I CANT BELIEVE IT! i actually get to correct a school teacher there is a first time for everything :D :D :D (thats who cares not "how cares") mrs. cummins :D :D :D thank you for the birthday wish
Oh My!!!!!

Goodness! I goofed! :eek: See, one must proofread their post before hitting the "Submit reply". I knew better, and yes, it should have been "Who...". My fingers type so fast, that they get the wrong letter first. Got to slow down! :confused:

Thank you, Sloppy, for noticing. You were paying attention one day! :)

Hope you had a great birthday! :D
