has anyone ever heard of Butch Nutont?


New Member
me and my friend were wondering if anyone ever heard of a sprint car racer Butch Nutont? i think thats how u spell it im not sure if so we were looking for some pics of him we know he raced a white sprint car with green wing and was number 17 if u know him or have pic let me know
Not sure on the spelling,but he ran Farmington back around 92,got ran out for wrecking a bunch of locals,aint seen him since

Butch Nutant was a Sprint Car driver from the 90's out of Springfield Ill. He no longer races any type of cars that I know of. You may still see him at the races at times, w/ friends that race.I used to race w/ him years ago in quarter / half Midgets. I do have a picture of him in his quarter midget years ago. Flea Ruzic, owner of Millinium Race Cars, out of Springfield, might be able to lead you to the right people, for your picture.

He hangs around robbie standridge.I have a few from the pit area at jacksonville and farmington maybe some action shots

