I am now a legitimate businessman


I sent some of you an e-mail on this subject, and I hope this post will be taken as an announcement, rather than as an advertisement.

I am now a distributor for Pace Products. Pace is a company that deals in "roof renewal", along with asphalt maintenance, and ice removal products. I will be concentrating mostly on the roof renewal products, but will gladly handle any orders for their other products as well. The reason I will be focusing on "roof renewal" is because most leaky roofs don't need to be completely replaced, yet many go the replacement route because they are unaware there is an option. This particular method is geared mainly toward commercial customers- those with metal roofs or flat roofs. If you'd like to learn more, the website is www.paceproducts.com .

As with most new business ventures, things are a bit slow in the beginning. If you know of anyone who can use any of the Pace products, I would be very grateful if you could refer them to me. My phone # is 618-466-2059, my business e-mail is roofrenewal@hotmail.com . Thanks.

Doug Jenkins
Cool beans Doug..i will spread the work..and put an ad at my work..otay? Good luck. Mike
Doug sounded like an advertisement to me ha ha
But I will keep u in mind and refer you to friends in the area that need roofs repaired
Dave Wulf :) :D :cool: :confused: :rolleyes: ;) :(
