IMCA Modified, Stock Car, SportMod drivers earn RAM Clutches awards


Staff member
COLUMBIA, S.C. (Jan. 23) – RAM Clutches returns for a second season as a contingency award sponsor for four IMCA divisions.

Top five finishers in each of the five IMCA Xtreme Motor Sports Modified regions and both IMCA Sunoco Stock Car regions, as well as top five drivers in national Karl Chevrolet Northern SportMod and Scoggin-Dickey Parts Center Southern SportMod standings all receive $50 product certificates from the Columbia, S.C., manufacturer.

To become eligible, drivers in all four divisions must display two RAM decals on their race car, compete with a RAM product and return a completed sign-up form to the IMCA home office by Aug. 1.

Other RAM products with IMCA applications include fly wheels, hydraulic bearings and repair parts. More information is available by calling 803 788-6034 and at the website.

RAM certificates will be presented during the national awards banquet in November or mailed from the home office beginning the following week.

"We hope to see an increase in participation in this program in their second year of partnership and make sure RAM customers let us know through the sign-up forms in their driver packets,” IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder said. “We don't want to leave any gift certificates on the table and I am confident we'll build this relationship in 2014."
