Info about our new buddy Jacob

pappa of 3 p's

New Member
I gotta tell you guys it's amazing news. We still need to pray for our buddy, but the tumor that is by his heart is decreasing in size. This little guy was hours away from well you know, to now being able to eat and breathe easier.

People say if he makes it then it would be a miracle, I say the last 2 days have been miracles, because he has eaten, went to the bathroom, and he is able to breathe

I don't know what tomorrow brings for this little guy, but I'm glad he is here today! He is a little trooper!
Incredible news!! He and his family are still in my prayers - just goes to show you how powerful they can be.
I was off line for a while, concentrating on life, and am just finding out about the Jacob situation. If there is any thing I can do, I will.
