Judy Hartzel is in the Hospital


Staff member
Bobby and I would like to ask you all to remember Judy Hartzel, Jim hartzels wife #67 in the B-Mod class. She has some test done this morning and it should an abnormal heart rate so they think she may have some blockages. They are keeping her in the hospital over the week-end until they decide what to do. We all love them and wish her a fast recovery !

Bobby & LD
Judy we will be keeping you and your family in our prayers! We will be praying for you to have a fast recovery. May God Bless You.

Yes, I heard from them yesterday. They did go in to see if she had any blockages and they wasnt bad enough to warrent anything done so i am assuming they sent her home. So, ' IF " we get to race Friday Night we hope that she will be here at the track with us. We ALL missed her ! Love Ya Judy : )
