Local Skins

umm... if i'm not mistaking you can go to www.midsouthsprintscene.com. i actually seen some really cool ones on there they had one of mike ward,tommy worley jr. chad jones, they got a bunch of them, but i do believe that's the site. look on the left hand side of the page and it should say skins, click on that.
If you're looking for DTRSC skins of drivers from SFCR then talk to Jake_9j on here he has a lot of the 04 skins done and they're really good,

just a few off the top of my head ( Tommy Jr., steve short, Timmy, Joey, jason hunt) but thats just 5 he's still workin on gettin em all done. I myself am working on an SFCR series for DTRSC with the 04 skins, it'd be really complete if we could get a real good SFCR track made.
You guys race in any leagues??? I have been looking for a league the past few days and haven't found many. Almost everyone has moved to heat.
No not at the moment but Jake is thinking of starting another one. Ive raced in a few before, i won one leagues championship, not ta brag or anything, lol just sayin ive done a few.
I used to race in them all the time, but when my computer screwed up a while back I couldn't play any of the games. I would have won a championship in DTR but I went to a real race at Eldora and skipped the last race of the season.
thanks alot holeshot, hey do you have dtr2, i have dtrsc for pc and WoO and SNS for ps2 i was just wondering what the best game for pc is right now to play online thanks
ya i have dtr2 but its not installed a also have SNS but i dont play it, i like playin DTRSC the most.
jake wont get on till i dont know when he called me before the races saturday and said that he had to take his compy somewhere (he didnt say where) to get it fixed so he'll prolly get on whenever he can.
well it is now whenever cause i am on here...btw mini_mull_h8ter i am going to get to make a skins pack and get it up on my site..also holeshot i might need the skins that i have sent you cause the moron who worked on my computer put new stuff on it with out me knowing and i have lost everything i think..i might have some of the stuff on the other drive...i got a few i know just not psp..lol..well ttyl

Will you post the address to your site so we can all check out your skins and sfcr track for dtrsc?
yessir whenever i'm not working on sprints i am usually working on the track..still have a long ways to go though...JB
