Memorial Races?

Brandon Paul

Free agent score guy
Just wondering if we'll see a Mark Steinwagner Memorial race at Belleville next year.

Also still wondering when we'll see a John Hanner Memorial at Godfrey. Haven't seen a Denny Motley Memorial there in several years, either.
I am the nephew of Denny Motley. I would give anything to see another "Denny Motley" Memorial. I talk to Denny's son freq. and could probably get him to come up from Florida to see this happen. I believe George Carroll is running Godfrey now? I am sure he remembers Denny. I grew up at Godfrey Speedway when Wib Spaulding ran the track and John Seets was KING there, and loved every minute of it. If anyone could help in getting another Denny Motley Memorial, i would be very willing in helping out with some sponsor money. I, along with my wife, own operate Pike County Speedway in Pittsfield, Il. Anyway, let me know if we can get this done. Thanks. Allen Motley
