Montgomery County meeting for new RAMS class Nov. 9th


New Member
Just a reminder, we are going to be holding that special informational meeting for the new Montgomery County Speedway RAMS class for the 2004 racing season on SUNDAY, NOV. 9th at 2 p.m. at Maggie's Cafe there in New Florence (exit 175) on I-70. For more information phone (573) 747-0566
We will have copies of the 2004 rules and track officials from MCS will also be on hand to answer questions. We will also have 2003 RAMS Points Series Champion Rick Ruch's car on display and one of the S-10 trucks (that is currently for sale).

IF you cannot attend the meeting, but are still interested in the RAMS or have already made plans on a mini stock for 2004, please contact me at (573) 747-0566 or Mel Kinnaird prior to the meeting!!!
THIS SUNDAY FOLKS.....I will be there with some patches of the rams left over from this year

bring all your questions with you sunday we will be glad to answer the smallest one of them


one of the offical TECH men of the RAMS
It' gets worse. He's a PRO FORD Tech man!! :D :D

I'll be there as long as Al is still coming up.
I got to meet one of the new drivers for the RAMS Mini Stocks at MCS today. He bought the #1 car. If everyone else is as enthusiastic as Steve, we've got a winner on our hands..
great to hear

can"t wait to meet everyone and help you out with your questions. pintos are what i love. "the wolf" #5 see ya all there.

what a drag....
i missed the meeting today and its been on my mind constantly....
its now 7 pm and i just realized that i hd forgotten....
crap...what did i miss...?
how was the turn out or did everyone pull a loud mouth?
sorry again....
i was really looking forward to seeing yall
Not a huge turnout, but a good turnout... We signed up three new drivers today, showed some video tape, did a little one-on-one time with the new guys, shot the crap with Mel and his mom and dad, and gave out a bunch of rules for 2004.... By the way, if anyone is needing the new rules just contact Mel because I gave him a bunch of copies.

I forgot to tell the new guys our next RAMS meeting is Sunday, Nov. 16th at Bailey's Pub & Grill in Farmington. It's election day and we are going to talk about a lot of things including tech for 2004. Everyone is invited to our meeting, members and non-members.
