Mt.Vernon Banquet


Keep Watching
Thumbs up to Rick & the rest of the Mt.Vernon crew on the banquet. Rick started out the evening by introducing the new track promoter, Tim Herbst. Tim talked for a few minutes & assured everyone that the classes & rules would remain the same for '05, as well as most track personnel. Tim has a reputation of being fair & honest, he has alot of good idea's to help promote the track and I think he will do good things for Mt.Vernon Raceway.
Rick had a ton of give aways for the 50/50 drawing but before he got started with that he presented two leather Hoosier jackets to Rodney's mom & dad. He gave away a bunch of Aluminum racing jacks as well as some other tools to the drivers. Alot of racing crewmen type shirts & racing T-shirts were giving away as well (even I won a shirt :D ). Modified driver Paul Bailey made out like a bandit. In addition to his 5th place check & trophy, he won enough shirts for everyday of the week, plus he won most of the 50/50 money. He was happy to say the least!
From what I have been seeing & hearing, I think '05 will be a good season at the Mt.Vernon Raceway!!
