My Deepest Sympathy


New Member
I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to all those affected by last nights tragedy. May you find peace within the happy memories your loved ones and friends have allowed you to share with them. And to those that are now healing from this unfortunate accident, may your recovery be swift and strong.
God Bless this community.
My Heart goes out to all who were involved and to those who were witnesses and those of you who helped out. May you get the strenght you need from God to get through it.You are all in my thoughts and prayers and please if you have someone you are very close to please talk about your feelings and let them out to help you heal better.I am in the same spot today since june11 and it gets a little easier to talk about it and if you have to talk to a grief counclor. I am still going to mine and it truely helps. I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers and God Bless you all. terra
