Please Pray


New Member
Hi Everybody, I just wanted to ask you all to say a prayer for Reed Juengling, he is a racer at the track. Monday night while riding his bike he was hit by a car and he is in Children's hospital. He broke his left leg and his right foot and he is in a lot of pain. It will be a long and painful recovery so please keep him in your prayers. Thanks

Allie G. #55
Get Well Juengling

Wow, that's horrible! Reed took the ATV's by storm this year. A Very impressive rookie campaign, and we all hope you get well, Reed, and come back and kick butt as a sophomore!

I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

Here's to a speedy recovery for Reed, and best wishes to all of you guys and gals over in Columbia, Ill.

-Nick Harris
Announcer, Track Operations, BRSD

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear this. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Hope that Reed has a good recovery. Reed, take care so that you can come back and spend next year with us.
With Love and Prayer
Jason and Christi
on behalf of ourselves, all racers and the Brsd employees
Just an update

Reed is doing a little better, he is still in a lot of pain but he is a very strong kid and he's getting through it. I went and saw him Wed. and he wasn't in good shape. Yesterday (Friday) he had his 3rd surgery so far and from what I heard it didn't go to well and it was very very painful. I am going to see him today so I will tell him that everybody from the track is praying for him because I am sure that will cheer him up a little. I'll keep you posted with the updates although I don't know much about it I can tell you what I do know. Oh and they got the police report or something of that sort and they suspect the car was going about 50mph when it hit him.

Allie G. #55
Major Update

Well, Reed is doing a lot better. He's home now. He is on crutches instead of a wheel chair because he has one walking cast and one regular cast but the walking one is coming off in about 2 weeks I think. Thank you all for your prayers it really helped him get through this. He said he will be racing next year, this accident won't stop him!

Allie G. #55
