Price Reduced! 35 Dodge

I have been halfheartedly trying to sell this old vintage car. I recently bought an old super modified from the Tulsa area that I like more. Now,, after loosing my 3rd driving vehicle in as many years to an uninsured driver (why am I the only one that ever has insurance?), it forces the sale of one of my toys. I would be willing to swap it even for a vehicle that I can license. Especially seeking a minivan or extended truck. But not limited to that. Be reasonable. I don't need anything that needs serious repairs or has been wrecked. I have one of those now. Things are slow at work and I just do not have the money to go out and replace our vehicle. If you have or know of someone or something please let them know! I have to get something going now. Thanks! 573-887-3668 or email at Check the original sale ad for 35 Dodge for pics.
