"Thank You" from everyone with the RAMS


New Member
I just wanted to drop a quick note to everyone to say "thank you" to everyone who bought tickets during our recent raffle for the S-10 race truck we gave away Saturday night at the Montgomery County Speedway. With your help we were able to raise a decent amount of money for the RAMS Point Series fund while at the same time add another quality mini stock racer to the region.

Sandra Goodwain, age 47 of Fredericktown, won the truck and originally will have her boyfriend (Doug Fox) driving it at the Fredericktown Raceway. I got a chance to talk with Sandra and interview her for a news story to be released later this week after we get pictures of them with the truck...

Again congratulations to her and special thanks to everyone who bought tickets and made the raffle a success.

Jeff Mills
RAMS President
