the pritz family!!!!!!!!!!


miss 33 cj
just wanted to say congrats to the pritz family!!! they are going to be expecting another addition to the family this year!!!! kylie and brooke are the 2 most beautiful lil girls! and now they will have another brother or sister in 2010!! for jason sake hopefully a lil guy with him being the only guy in there with all the girls! they are 2 amazing parents cant wait to see them bring another lil one into the world! damn 3 race cars though thats gonna get exspensive lol! congrats you guys let me know if you need anything!!!!:)

Thanks! I'm super excited! And your 100% right Jason is wanting a boy to even things out a little around here.
Last night he made an decorated a cake an wrote "its a boy" on it. It was really cute. Kylie has been such a angel baby already as u know, I hope that the new baby is the same. I will let u know if we need n e thing but I think were good for now except the money for all them race cars lol! :) Thanks again Ill call u later tonight!

***Ashley Pritz***
