which are you, red or blue? lol


cirrhosis of the river
Are You A Blueneck?

Bluenecks are Northerners - the opposite of Rednecks, and you might be a Blueneck if:

Instead of referring to two or more people as "y'all," you call them "you guys," even if both of them are women.

You think barbecue is a verb meaning "to cook outside."

You think Heinz Ketchup is really spicy.

You would never stop to buy something somebody was cooking on the side of the road, for example, boiled peanuts.

You don't have any problems pronouncing "Worcestershire sauce" correctly.

For breakfast, you would prefer potatoes-au-gratin to grits.

You don't know what a moon pie is.

You've never had RC Cola.

You've never, ever eaten okra - fried, boiled, or pickled.

You eat fried chicken with a knife and fork.

You've never seen a live chicken, and the only cows you've seen are on road trips.

You have no idea what a polecat is.

You don't see anything wrong with putting a sweater on your dog.

You would rather vacation at Martha's Vineyard than at Six Flags.

You would rather have your son become a lawyer than grow up to get his own TV fishing show.

You drink either "Pop" or "Soda" instead of "Cokes."

You've never eaten and don't know how to make a tomato sandwich.

You have never planned your summer vacation around a gun-'n-knife show.

You think that more money should go to important scientific research at your university than to pay the salary of the head football coach.

You don't have one can of WD-40 somewhere around the house.

The last time you smiled was when you blocked someone from getting on an on-ramp to the highway.

You don't have any hats in your closet that advertise feed stores.

You have more than one professional sports team in your home state.

The farthest south you've ever been is the perfume counter at Neiman Marcus.

You call binoculars opera glasses.

You can't spit out the car window without pulling over to the side of the road and stopping.

You don't know anyone with at least two first names (e.g., Joe Bob, Faye Ellen , Billy Ray, Mary Jo, Bubba Dean, Joe Dan, Mary Alice)

You don't know any women with male names (e.g., Tommie, Bobbie, Johnnie, Jimmie)

You don't have Maw-maw's & Paw-paw's.

You've never been to a craft show.

You get freaked-out when people on the subway talk to you.

None of your fur coats are homemade.

You have no idea whom the Allisons, Pettys or Earnhardts are.
well lets see i drive a truck and go to dirt track races and all i wear is racing shirts ummmmm redneck 250%!
I am most definitely a blueneck...with these exceptions:
1. I think barbeque refers to the sauce.
2. I hate ketchup, tomatoes, and really can't stand opera.
3. Boiled peanuts???Who would boil peanuts?
4. I happen to like RC, but can't handle the sugar in it.
5. I have only tried okra once, and I hated it, too.
6. I have seen chickens and cows, as in the next door neighbors' cows and chickens. (Don't forget that Wisconsin IS the Dairy State...and they have more cows than we do.)
7. What is Martha's Vineyard?
8. We have several cans of WD-40 and several of its generics as well.
9. I drive too fast to block onramps.
10. The farthest south I've been is Cocoa Beach, FL and Galveston, TX. (Although I have smelled some pretty bad perfumes in the mall.)
11. Why would I even need to spit out the car window? I don't chew tobacco or do other things...
12. I happen to know very well who the Petty's, Earnhardt's, and Allison's are. (I don't know all that much about the Allisons...I was too young.)
I think you have blue blood and blue neck confused. If I had to choose one or the other I would take the red necks any day.
