Recent content by Bullseye

  1. B

    Vintage Car ID please

    Don Hobbs I believe. Craig Heimburger think so too.
  2. B

    Vintage Car ID please

    Per Craig Heimburger, yes it is Bob Geaschel.
  3. B

    Continental Tire acquires Hoosier

    Kreke will inform us of that! Article states no changes.
  4. B

    Late 70's Tri-City Speedway Questions

    Gary Gerstner (Gerstner Plumbing) raced late models there also. SARA (Southwestern Auto Racing Association) did a Wednesday night race there for points a couple times for one season. Denny Knebel rolled, Grreg Klein, Donn Evans, all the SARA regulars at the time on the 1/2 mile.
  5. B

    Jim Plocher

    Kenny Crouch is in the middle, and Butch Holzinger on the far right. #46 in the background is Leroy Kaiser's car from Trenton.
  6. B

    going back a lil

    Dick Sutcliffe lives in Kansas City.
  7. B

    Ed Dixon is back on track and ready to race! Looking for a Late Model ride!

    Hey all: I'm looking for a ride. I don't have any sponsors or have ever driven a car, but I want to. I never have owned my own business but I want to drive. I'll take over your seat. Will others repost this many times so noone will give me a ride. In reality- If Ed wants to race bad...
  8. B

    One last thing before I go

    Yo hav a gud pointe Dixon phan!
  9. B

    One last thing before I go

    Is that Moron or maroon (the color). Sort of like a purple shade I think.
  10. B

    One last thing before I go

    Sounds like he's got him a real nice chick there!
  11. B

    One last thing before I go

    That spellcheck thing is quite working out yet. Sertin is spelled certain. Sorrt is sorry. Otheres is others. Useing is using. Just thought I would hep (help) you out
  12. B

    Scott Weber's Feature Win Sunday Night

    I knew it had nothing to do with mud. "I heard", "They said" Love those two lines! Have a good day all. Dan
  13. B

    Scott Weber's Feature Win Sunday Night

    "Does anyone know what Scotty was upset about after he's feature win? I say him and Revin having words." The above is the first line of this thread. The replies after started the mud theory. Just ask for Revin to answer the first thread as to what the broohaha was all about. Whatever!
  14. B

    Scott Weber's Feature Win Sunday Night

    Revin: You want to set all the "they said" statements straight? Thank you.
