
  1. Shane Walters

    Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants Company Website

    Specialized Lubricants is a Proud Supporter of Fairbury Speedway and Lance Dehm Racing (MAY 11TH, 2014) Schaeffer's Specialized Lubricants services customers in Illinois and is an international distributor for Schaeffer’s Oil in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa. Specialized Lubricants is a...
  2. Shane Walters

    Fairbury Speedway Photos

    Over the weekend I made my first trip to Fairbury Speedway and took some photos. I posted some of them below. Here is the link to the full album http://RacingNewsNetwork.com/2013/09/02/dirt-racing-fairbury-speedway-photos/ Miniature Fairbury Speedway FULL ALBUM...
