Any Btown News? Is it on?


Patience Tester
? Been trying the track number since 2, cant get through, anybody heard?
I just got the call about Brownstown. They are canceled for tonight...they will run full show tomorrow!! Details coming soon!!
I just heard from a little birdie that fayette co wants to be packing the track at 10:00 Am on Mon 9-1-03 as long as the weather holds.

Now Like I said I heard this from a little birdie not from the track itself but I do know that I know of at least 6 cars heading that direction at 8:00 am.

Come on Mother Nature Our car hasn't been out in 2 months do to bad luck..... let a little light(sunlight that is) shine down on Brownstown tommorrow.

Hopefully we can see you all there.
