Celebrating my 11 year anniversay!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to post this..to let others who know me..and my wife Lori..that we are celebrating our 11 year anniversary sept 18th! It has been quite an experience..we met when I was 18..she was 14(I know..I know...she was young) but there was an instant feeling..we dated for 8 yrs..i worked..went to school..she graduated..went to nursing school for 3 yrs..got married as soon as she graduated. Now..I am posting this also..to let everyone know..what a really good wife she is. Lol! When i first started racing..i threw a car together..raced at tri city..sportsman division. The car broke..rain came in..flooded the infield(thats where we pitted) and i had to go back the next day to get my car..in 5 inches of mud. She lost her new pair of shoes..in the hurry to throw what we could in the truck..then..the next day..she had to ride..backwards.in tha car as i had a tow truck to pull it back home(the rear end was wiped out!) Anyway..talk about commitement! If anyone sees her..in the stands..at a resteraunt..grocery store..tell her about this post..She has always stood behind anything ive done..said..ect. And I really appreciate the years we have had.and the many more we will have! Signed, Mike "The turn three and four guardrail" Hartnett,Jr. my old name was flip..for my famous barrel roll down tri city's front straight!
Congrats in advance! Making it past 5 years is a major accomplishment in this day and age, so here's hopin for another 11 (at least).
Thanks Doug...yes..thats is true..I am just expressing my happiness and do feel blessed. God is smiling on me i believe..just wished he'd smile on me more while I was on the race track..lol

Congrats mike....that is a big deal in this day and age....shoot...i tryed it twice and barely added that many years together!:D
Thanks Dale..I appreciated that..Yes..somethings just dont work out..some do..I have been blessed and just letting the people who know me...my wife..and 2 kids know what all she has done for me.
