Chat Room!!!


Jake Robbins
Come on in!!!
Lets talk racing.

tonites topics
whos car perigo wants to run this weekend
when will perigo hit the track
and who will loan me some money:eek: :confused:
some more topics have came up

palm tree shirts
tighty whities
and jamacans
and just in mentions of band camp!
its getting exciting come on it!

palm trees are out and in with harleys on shirts!

come in now and see SPUN OUT vs PERIGORACING48
THis should be good!
come on in

Still wondering if Perigo will ever get the car finished

Jimmy Cummins just entered
oh my Steve cheated on Jimmy!
and Jimmy just hooked up his dvd player in his room

buisness is starting to pick up
more updates

DirtRacinDiva just came in chat
she says she is having problems getting on the message board

Perigo is being perigo what can i say

Diva is talking about rosie
Perigo keeps telling me to edit him out of here.
But i cant

and they are giving me to much info to remember:confused:

more updates in 5mins!
breaking news

we have reports of roaches crawling across tvs!
but wait it is just a commercial:eek:

wild1and83fan says if you want a fresher house raise your paw*meow*:confused: what this means i dont know

gomer pyle has been mentioned

and oh my Kermit the Frog is in the chat!
man its not easy being green. I hear ya pal.

Perigo plays with his food.

Bomber83 found a new tow vehicle
OH MY A HEARSE!!!thats not right

diva says she hears thundering!thats not good

wild wants a ride in the hearse to school! ewww

thats it for now check in every 5 or so minutes from yours truly
hornetracer24 thank you
Kermit the Frog has left the building

The wild1 himself is now in chat

some more talk about godfrey

still wondering when pregos car will be done

rumor has it perigo may be racing at btown sunday

Billy likes soda
Ms Lippys car is green
