ChiM ChiM

hey 3rd world'ya doin? able to use that 2.5 head? how is nikki(spelling?) THAT should get somebody goin!!!! heehee.give us a call.
Actually miget racer, Nikki is a pretty nice girl.

Talked to Brandon while he was on his way home last night, Grandpa is not doing so good, keep him in your prayers.
Update: Chim Chim's Grandpa survived the bypasses, but they're still concerned with possible infection which would be very bad with his diabetes. He has a long road to recovery considering the recent strokes as well, so keep him in your prayers.
glad to hear 'grandpa' is doing better.we will certainly keep up on this. and racewidow...never said ANYTHING about anybody not being nice,so i don't know why you said that.
im so sorry

Hey, brandon and brent. You guys remember me from high school. I am sorry to hear about grandfather, hope he does better. I will keep him in my prayers for ya. one of my best friends has bad diabetes and hasnt been able to come to work for two months after his third heart attack, and his diabetes is going out of control. Hes only 38. Anyway, good luck to the kreke racing team, and peace out.

BiG JoHn
