Congrats x factor


New Member
Great to see Bill Ernest back out racning at Godfrey last night, couldnt stay for the feature but you sure looked good in the heat winning the race. Was that the first time the car was on the track?
Hope to see you at TCS tonight. By the way I think you tricked everyone making the car look like you just got it from the salvage yard.:D :D :D
Yes it was the first time on any track for that car. Car worked great right out of the box apparently. Felt good to be out on the track again.
We are bringing it to TCS tonight & hopefully it'll work as well there. I'm sure it will.
Have to thank my new boss Tim Thorpe of Thorpe's Body & Corvette Shop for the donation of the car which was a parts car & a restoration project. & Audie Murphy of Murph Chassis for building me a great chassis. The car won't see paint till next season, not much point in wasting paint at this time. Can you handle an ugly car? :eek:
Hey maybe that is the trick, if your car is already ugly maybe no one will hit it. Bill let me know if my theory is correct. seriously good luck in your new unpainted car and tell your lovely wife hello for me.
LOL that's interesting. :)

Jordan's chief, that's the plan. Stop in the pits & visit once & in while. You're gonna see the "232" plenty next year.

BTW Maverick- I've named the car, it's official name is "Seven!"
Seven: cause its the seventh car he's built this year..........

But I still own chassis BECB01. ;)
T. nie was that you at tcs saturday with the #5 hornet? If so what happened I darn near got you in the rear. The #93 was in front of me and moved out of the way just in time and I almost didn't have time. I hope you can get it fixed and see you out soon.
Bob Crawford jr. #46
Yeah, I was there, but that wasnt me stalled on the back straight, I pulled off on that caution. Header broke off, which holed the fuel tank, but the reason I pulled off was that the car just died, lost all electrical in it. Found a battery cable had worked its way loose, which was a blessing really, cause the tank was leaking fuel at a pretty good rate. (Hope you dont mind me using the picture Dennis, if you do I will take it down) Glad it didnt turn out like this:
