Heartland Division results 9-6-03


In action this past weekend, September 5th, Tom Seets won at Tri City, Tim Lance won at Peoria, and Rick Bilderback was 2nd at Rockford Speedway. Peoria and Rockford both ran their championships last night. TCS will run next week and the 20th, with the 20th being championship night.
Following last weekend's action, here's the updated CPI Standings for the top 3 in the Heartland Region, as of 9/9/03:
Tom Seets- Tri City Speedway 0.8393
Tim Lance- Peoria Speedway 0.8016
Rick Bilderback- Rockford Speedway 0.7653

Seets' cpi was higher, with 2 events remaining. Bilderback and Lance both wrapped up their points seasons last week.

And a look at all of the regional leaders:
Atlantic Region- Marc McFarland 0.9543
Northwest Region- Jerry Robertson 0.8812
Southeastern Coastal Region- Timothy Peters 0.8685
Heartland Region- Tom Seets 0.8425
Sunbelt Region- Rip Michaels 0.8235
Midwest Region- Kyle Berck 0.7936
Northeast Region- Ed Dachenhausen 0.7726
New England Region- Dennis Gada 0.7610

McFarland and Peters' cpi remained the same this week, while Robertson's is lower and Seets' is higher .
