ITs not Racing....Paradise Hotel is great TV!

This show is great TV....its like some of the people on here....drama queen city!!!
The season finale was on tonite and it was hilarious.
Tara has HOT DARBY.....

HOT DARBY Contenders

and my personal favorite:
Dirt Racin 24....

What on earth are you doing watching T. V. ?????
Don't you have someone to pester? LOL!!!! I thought Paradise Island was me on a raft in the pool with a MARGARITA and no kids around to splash me or the men in the garage to start the car right about pass out stage.... You have to much time on your hands... LOL!!!!!
And I am with the other girls what the h e l l is a Hot Darby??
Just want to know in case I am one:eek:

well since u r not here at night...i have to wait until stupid people just start talking and then i go after them...

HOT DARBY is the Cat in the HAT...

do u like blue in the zoo...or does that make u boo-hoo...
do u have a boat...with a goat....or does that make u bloat...
Lisa, I'm told I'm one. Come on Trevor, is Lisa a Hot Darby or not? Lisa, I haven't gotten the complete definition, but I'm pretty close - I'll let you know when I get it all figured out.

alrite u have crossed the line....i am trying to be nice so i wil just let that go but i will remember that....i am really disappointed that u would say that....:( :( :( :(
It's sad to say I think Trevor and Cheatin Chewin have now regressed back to pre- kindigarten days...

Here is one for you boy's... It's on "Diversity" imagine that...

We see them come.
We see them go.
Some are fast.
And some are slow.
Some are high.
And some are low.
Not one of them
is like another.
Don't ask us why.
Go ask your mother......
REF: One FishTwo Fish Red Fish Blue Fish :D
Still have no clue what the heck a Darby is....
Please just watch the baseball playoffs or Windtunnel or Martha Stewart. Paradise Hotel is evil. Those people overact like actors from cheap remakes of Shakespear plays back in high school.
This is for Patti:

"Oh, oh!" I said.
Don't you talk to that cat.
That cat is a bad one,
That in the Hat.

SHE plays lots of bad tricks.
Don't you let her come near.
You know what she did
The last time she was here!"

Take note Brent!!

Quote of the day: HOT_DARBY always rises to the top, because I am the cream of the crop!
