Jell-O Shots?????


Just wondering if anybody has some different, non-ordinary recipes for Jell-O Shots? If you do, let me know, I need about 10 different flavors!
Thanks in advance!!
Fuzzy Navels, orange jello and peach schnapps
Apple Jacks, green apple jello (do they make green apple jello? I know it works with Apple Pucker) and jack daniels.
My brother had a friend who is a bartender who mixed Absolut with orange jello and Bacardi rum with cherry jello. They were pretty good. Also, Absolut with blue raspberry jello is good.

I'm sorry we do not give out all of our tasty creations but we can help you with one it is a new one and it is a good one!!! Try green apple jello with butterscotch schnapps!!! If you need help with any more I might be able to give ya a few more!!! If you are going to Racestock just stop by the trailer and you can taste a few!

Amereto with cherry isa good one........purple hooters in grape...thats a good think...i just had like 6 different ones like last night...still foggy tho!

Trick to them is......dont try and go crazy and make them real strong...they tend to not jell........more the merrier! buzzed typin this!
Trackin 11

I think I had one of each flavor... BOY can MOMMA make a jello shot.... Saw some interesting ways to remove the jello from the cup. Then again I didn't get to see others techniques :mad:
But they were awesome shots and i appreciate your kindness in sharing.... Nice to meet you all also... What a nice group of people!!!!!!!

Glad you had fun. Hope to see you at the next Racestock!!! Hopefully by then Mom will have some more new creations.
lime jello and vodka

I call it a 'bloody awful'

I know that peach schnapps and cranberry juice is right tasty, maybe peach schnapps and cranberry jello would be good too.

NEVER (and I mean NEVER!) make grape jello with Tequilla... just trust me on this one, OK?

