Points System


Modified Racer
I have some questions on point systyems for the mini stocks at Doe Run Raceway. The Reason I ask is because I am going to try and keep the "Unoffical" points updated weekly on my site for everyone once the season starts.

Bill Nickelson
1. Five (5) show up points.

2. Heat races

1st place 8 points

2nd place 6 points

3rd place 4 points

4th place 2 points

3. Points Dash

1st place 4 points

2nd place 3 points

3rd place 2 points

4th place 1 point

4. Feature

1st place 48 points. Drops 2 points per finishing position thereafter.

If a car is sold during the racing season, the new owner will start with zero (0) points.

Points go to the car number (owner) as follows:

Heat races: top four finishers 1st place 8,second place 6,third 4, fourth place 2
Dash: top four finishers: 1st place 4, second place 3, third place 2, fourth place 1
Feature: starts at 48 and drops two points per finishing position thereafter

Plus, each car gets 5 show up points

So for example if you tripled, you would get 8 for your heat, 4 for the dash, 48 for the feature plus 5 show points.

Must have...

Thanks Bobby and Mike. I'm not saying it will always be correct but i'll try but you can let me know when it's wrong and I'll adjust it. Just something for guys to see week to week as long as I have the time.

