TCS Banquet Photos


Racing Paparazzi
I know it's been awhile since the banquet, but I finally got the pictures posted. Been busy getting things ready for the new season. Some pages may have old links, I'll be updating the rest of the site this week. We're looking forward to meeting with Kevin and Tammy to work things out for 2005. Thanks to everyone for all the support and recommendations, we appreciate it! :cool:

Click below:
missing pictures

If the picture isn't posted it's because it didn't come out buddy. Things were going at such a bang bang pace, and I didn't have time to set each shot up and double check my settings. (kind of like at the track...*lol*) There was no time for that "cover my butt" second shot. Plus I had a few dozen jello shots and about 6 beers in me at the time, so some came out a bit blurry. :eek: :p
No offense intended, but we (Mike and I), were really there to party and celebrate, and put 2004 behind was kind of a rough season for us dealing with my mother in law's pro-longed illness and death. Hope you understand.......
My sincere apologies if there was a specific shot you were looking for and if I can make it up to you somehow just let me know.

Hey Dennis please dont take it the wrong way you always take great pics, and do a wonderful job, Very sorry about your loss had no idea what was going on out side of track life, Yes we were diving into jello shots also, and we were blurry also,lol,just wanted to see 1 pic,but I truly understand that things can and will go wrong,I DID NOT mean to make you mad at all, you have been very nice to me all year and have taken great pics of us,I am very happy that you will be back in the 2005 year and looking forward to seeing you at the track this year!!I just was wondering, thats all. Again I am sorry if I upset ya.
Ok Pat heres the deal. Dennis didnt want to tell you this cause he didnt want to hurt your feelings. But,,,,,,,,,, YOU BROKE THE FREAKING CAMERA !!!!!! :eek:
Ha Ha ! just kidding dude. I to will be glad to see Dennis back at TCS.
So thats why weez be blurry????? GAEEEEEEEE!! And on another note:: So your babby girl is going to drive the s/s and not you, I guess I know who has the talent, and who is going to be a bench warmer:) lmfao!!
Not mad at all, just letting you know what was going on.
We're not official at TCS yet, but I'm confident things will be worked out.
Hey Mav, at least I didn't have to buy a whole new camera,
like I did that night you were wearing your pantyhose at Bond County! :p :p :D (hey who loves ya buddy? *rofl*)
You just had to bring that up didnt ya Dennis.......... LOL ! :eek:
Hey Pat I will be driving it more than her I have a feeling. On the note of her being the better driver......... It sure wasnt her Mother that taught her to drive. HA HA !! If that was the case Samantha wouldnt get near it ...... ( Dont tell Pam !! )
I seem to recall the pantyhose episode... "Hi, I'm Randy, head of security, and... EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!! I have a run in my hose!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :p :D
