Wannabees vs RAMS


Why don't they have the same rules as the RAMS. If you make there rules the same then It would give the guys that run the RAMS a good place to run on Saturday. Plus the small tires that the wannabees run tear the track up so much. Put sportsman tires on them. That would also give the sportsman something to do with there old tires. You can change the rules a little let the front wheel drive cars run. Pay the winner $75 and pay down to about 5th place. You will still make money on pit-passes Pevely will get a good car count for that class because alot of the RAMS love driving the track. Or maybe run Wannabees one week and the RAMS the next week. What do you think Milsey
I'm all for running Pevely every week. It's the closest track to me.

I think I-55 should adopt the RAMS rules and run them every week. It wouldn't take too much to have most of those Wannabees change over to a Ministock. Get some racing tread, shocks, weight jacks and a carb and that would be basically the big stuff.

I bought 3 new tires and everything else I have is either a used Modified or Sprint (Front) tires.

I don't know if I like the payout you listed but I understand where you are coming from. I-55 already has a good car count with the wannabee with basically no pay out, so why would they want to eliminate the class for another class they would have to pay. The thing is the RAMS payout is low enough that our pit passes alone basically pay for our payout. That's counting one crew pitpass and I know I usually have two guys with me every week so that's even better for the track.

Keep a lobbying Mudslinger:D :D

I just bought one and will be racing next year. I want to race on friday and saturday. Maybe Milsey can talk to Kenny so we can run up there. All of the RAMS drivers should post to get this going.
Did you buy one that has already ran at Fredericktown or Doe Run or are you building your own?

And you know with the majority of the "RAMS" races being on Saturdays, I-55 would only have to run our class 2 or 3 times a month and not every weekend. We have ran I believe 6 tracks this year and only one of those (The Rock) is on Friday Nights.
hey mudd you bought the old # 8 correct if so you need to be at our next meeting and sign up for 2004 and get you a # for the old beast!!!!
Yes I bought the #8 When is the next meeting I would like to attend. As long as it is early I work midnights. Of corse I think a RAMS meeting would be a good excuse to take a day off. Hey does any one of you have a 2.5 motor for a S-10. I think Pevely should run the RAMS on the nights the Rams don't race somewhere else. The wannabees just go out to tear there cars and the track up.
Why don't Rams adopt the wannabee rules. I think at Pevely the wannabees are faster than the Rams as they are now.

Better yet compromise say allow fuel injection in Rams.
One reason I think they should have the RAMS rules is the small tires tear the track up When you go on a night when the wannabees are not there the track is not tore up in the corners as bad Like last week is was so bad in turn three and four when Loran Knoxs went into the turn his mod bounced so much he flipped it. He tore his mod up. Not saying it is just because of the wannabees but it does have a part in it. The RAMS run the same size tire as the sportsman.
