‘Party in Pevely’ at I-55 Raceway Falls to Freezing, Rainy Weather Outlook


My point is/was that they would have to cancel. Which they did. Which is a direct contradiction of your previous claim. Its great for the racers who showed up that they payed out the full purse as advertised (if that is what actually happened). But, given your assinine remarks about I-55 and considering Green Valley is a 5 hour drive for you, it's hard to believe that you are not whining about missing out on 1 day of racing down there. Which (IMO) makes your attendance there highly unlikely, which further lends the question, "how full of b/s is this guy? Irregardless, I'm ashamed to call you a fellow Tennessean and even moreso to say that I'm from Gibson County.
Seems to me was 4-5 post whining they shouldnt have canceled, and then 5-6 pages of whining at those people.. Either way you all seem like a bunch of babies... Which is worse 4-5 post being stupid about running a race in snowy weather, or 5-6 pages of people telling them see we told you so now bow to us. You can look at 100 different threads if you go back far enough and this one reads the same as all the rest. Usually a handful of silly people get the same I-55 regulars all riled up. Insults are thrown back and forth and it becomes hard to tell who exactly the actual cry babies are in the end, because your all whining.
And you just made yourself a part of the crime, Davt.

Sorry if I carried this topic to the extreme. Having been a barrel racing promoter for a number of years, I have some pent up hatred for those who can never be pleased and for those who have no respect for the promoters who try to do so.

You should be thanking these guys for trying rather than hammering them because they can't please your selfish wants.

Most of you have absolutely no idea the level of commitment, dedication, and sacrifice promoters like Ray, Kevin, and Don put into just bringing us a weekly program. Nor do you understand the emotional and financial rollercoaster they ride while trying. Some of you may think you do, but until you've walked a mile in their shoes, you will never understand it fully.
Got to hand it to you Kevin, when you stir it you do it with a canoe paddle.

Now if you really want to help out, get us some good weather so we can all go racin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My point is/was that they would have to cancel. Which they did. Which is a direct contradiction of your previous claim. Its great for the racers who showed up that they payed out the full purse as advertised (if that is what actually happened). But, given your assinine remarks about I-55 and considering Green Valley is a 5 hour drive for you, it's hard to believe that you are not whining about missing out on 1 day of racing down there. Which (IMO) makes your attendance there highly unlikely, which further lends the question, "how full of b/s is this guy? Irregardless, I'm ashamed to call you a fellow Tennessean and even moreso to say that I'm from Gibson County.

So now you don't think that I even went to Green Valley? LOL. Guess my head just played tricks on me the past few days and I really wasn't there.
I sure wish they coulda raced. I'd rather see 4-5 pages beatchin about that rather than weather. Nobody can control the weather.... haha
I haver to laugh cause no one has a clue what goes into a special or a regular race week well before the event ! All the Monies ! Tracks lose when they cancel cause they have so much out for the event before the pit gate opens ! Just hate to hear the bashing already ! I really wish every track and track promoter the best this year ! To many places closing down ! The fans not coming out due to cost ! I was just at Bristol and that place used to be sold out could not get a ticket... Now the last 2 years the seats are empty ! The economy has hit everything hard and it could happen to the Stl area easily ! So take care of these track like they are Gold! Cause they will be gone if we are not careful !
I have a very good understanding what it takes dirtgirl I have spent a lot of time there with Ray and the gang over the years. Also spent some Sundays picking up crap from some of these armchair racers. You have a very good point also. Nice to see Bristol's fan count down now...now I can finaly go without waiting 13 years to go again. :) gota love the sport of racing :)