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  1. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    Filmed another derby, the whole event is now online. Featuring figure 8 racing both compacts and fullsize, a bone stock class, compact class, and modified class. Overall it was a good derby, with not too much bagging. Check out the playlist to this derby here...
  2. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    I am currently in the process of uploading the entire Bash 4 Cash, 2 day derby event. This was a great event to watch, with compacts, youth compacts, trucks, mini trucks, 80s and newer and an old iron class. Check out the video playlist here:
  3. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    New video is finally up. I had to finish finals at college, now summer is officially here. Making homemade solid struts for the taurus:
  4. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    New videos posted, a part 1 and 2 series about the taurus. Found out the car has some kind of gasket leak or worse. It seems the oil and coolent are now mixed together, so lets see how well the car still runs. Part 1 Part 2...
  5. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    I was finally able to upload another video for the new season. Youtube had a problem for awhile removing sound from new video uploads. Here is an update on the 1990 Ford Taurus Full Weld Compact Car.
  6. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    Started off our 2012 Season of videos today with an intro video talking about whats currently going on and a couple of the upcoming plans. More things to be revealed as the summer goes on. First video of the 2012 season:
  7. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    Our Official 2012 Derby Season will begin airing in the next 7-10 days. From that point on, expect a new video every week or sooner. During this week I will be finishing up the short winter mini-series of helpful build tips and ideas to try in your own shop. To see that playlist click here...
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    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    Space saved for future use
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    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    Here is a simple navigation list to get you started. Be sure to check out our website for much more info as this is only a small collection of things. 2008 Derby Season Series (Please keep in mind this was before things became professional)...
  10. D

    Demolition Missions Derby Videography

    Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself to anyone who might not know who I am in the derby world and show what we are about. I am the owner of Youtubes Largest Demo Derby Channel. Demolition Missions. We specialize in filming the aspect of the entire derby life. From searching for new...
