$100,000 to win modified race at Batesville JULY 26-30


Staff member
The $100,000 to win Modified races returns to Batesville Speedway July 26-30, 2005.
Heard they were not gonna let the late model guys run witch is fair they get all the big money show let the mod driver that compete regulaly in a mod take the big money

Will Mooney be rigging the draw so that his favorites will get up front starting spots again every night like last year ?

Also when the drawing closes, will it be closed to all ? Or will the favorites be able to draw even after its closed and pull that last up front starting spot again like last year ?

Too many shenanigans and special treatments of Mooneys chosen few to make this worth the trip, 100k or not.

Last year Batesville made a big deal about being on time to draw and when the drawing close only to let Bloomquist come in draw after in was closed.

And Viola !! What do you now he got another up front spot drawing like he did every night......
This race should be renamed the IF your KIN your IN 100k
