2001 Rayburn (05 updates) & Trailer Low $$

Saluki Dog

Saluki Dog
2001 Rayburn w/05 updates. Powder coated,newer birdcages (swing arm or 4 bar on right), Chrome fuel cell, Diamond tread floor, Koni shocks, drive shaft, radiator, teltack, helmet blower. Extra parts go with: extra shocks, extra springs, pair spindles, swing arms, bird cages, purple bar, j-bar, straight bar, extra pullbar springs. The trailer is an older 20' not pretty but hauls great. Fenders are bad but have new ones that go with, 4' box on front with 2 row tire rack on top. ramps, and 80" wide between fenders.
Just finished season in crate. Changing classes. All of it for $3800.00 firm. I will separate car for $3250.00 and trailer will go once car is sold for $850.00 NOT BEFORE. Car could use body but is an excellent race car in great shape. Will have photos over weekend. Email: dailydirtprayer@yahoo.com
