2004 Pierce Gremlin

Flounder, not when it comes to her OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH DDDDDDEEEEAAAAANNNNN! He could paint it the color she hates most and she would love it cause it was Dean's. :)
Oh yeah!

Wood knot!

OK, here goes. I've been holding back for soooooooo long, and the hurt just keeps getting worse and worse every day. My "favorite" Dean, as you called him RG, refused (that's right, he REFUSED) to dance with me at the AARA banquet. And his wife wasn't even anywhere around!

I was devastated! He broke my heart! I may never forgive him.

DEAN HOFFMAN, you're in big trouble!

If you call me, I may not even talk with you. :(
RG, you can't keep a secret!

I didn't follow him into the bathroom, he took me in there. I thought I recovered nicely and ran out of there before I saw anything I shouldn't have.

Besides, no one saw me, right?
Hey Dean--

COOL racecar! I'm sure you will make Pierce proud. Is that the late model I see in the background? Are you keeping it, too? Al said if you're looking for a driver he would settle for driving either one if you need him to...Ha!Ha! Glad to see you back in a modified and hope we will see more of you when you come race over our way. We have just finalized our plans for flying out to see Darrell and Rhonda in Aug. and going to the Bristol races. Looking forward to seeing them again. Tell Lori "Hello" and maybe we will get to meet your "newest" family edition this year. Best of luck for 2004!


sounds to wild here . nice car . if i paint my car yellow could the cookie maker follow me into a bathroom ???? lol
Well I got in trouble. I may have been out of line but i was drunk; which isn't the best excuse. My advice to you is not to make comments to or about people that you don't know, because if you don't know them you don't know how they might interpret it.
excuse me ??

the message was said as a joke and i didn,t mean no harm and as far as calling me names . name calling is for lil boys !! with low iq,s no less lmao

did not know she was your wife for this i,m sorry was meant to be a joke . but as far as you calling someone a faggott i always heard that to speak is to be ??
va racer

I'm not his wife, I'm his mother. And I'm sorry about Jimmy's remark to your first response. He had a little too much liquid AB refreshment product at the Pitdrifter's wedding to his beautiful Tiffany. Still, that doesn't excuse his rudeness, and I will have a talk with him in the morning.
thank you

mrs cummins i again am sorry i just was joking around in here and didn,t mean no harm . but to get called that was unreal . i mean really he don,t know me and i learned coming up thru my indian upbringing not to mouth off or call someone names like that or even to judge another man . espicially if you don,t know them . once again to you mam i am sorry if i stepped out of line . and also to the tread starter for my actions in the post . the post is about a new modified that looks super and not about name calling .
Apology accepted

As I said in my PM to you, apology accepted. No harm done.

Now a lesson to learn for everyone on this board, especially my son: Don't take everything you read on here so seriously. Some comments are made in jest. This was definitely an attempt at a funny comment, that Jimmy just took wrong.

But in no way did it give him the right to say what he did about 'va racer'. I apologize for that. I thought I taught him better, but I guess I didn't get that message across to him too well. The use of profanity and off-color responses should not be tolerated! Jimmy gets a black-flag for that one.

After you write your response, take a minute to reread it and only then hit the "submit reply" button. It sure would save a lot of misunderstandings on here. That's all.

Beautiful wedding last night! Beautiful bride! Absolutely handsome groom!!! Had fun with 'dirtgirl' and family!
Pitdrifter, it's not your fault!

You are not responsible for Jimmy's fondness of AB products.

Check out his "changed" response on page 1 of this thread for his change of heart and editing. :)
