2005 Track Champions


New Member
Congratulations to the track champions for 2005!

Sprints: Joey Montgomery, Fredericktown

Sportsmen: Matt Eaton, Park Hills

Pure Street: Mark Todd, Jackson

Modifieds: Mike Francis, Fredericktown

Multis: (Announcement to be made later)
That was rather anti-climatic wasn't it! It is true nobody has control over the weather, but when you have classes so close in points it just sux to see it end like this!
Congrats Mike and the Hurricane crew!! We had fun with you guys and the Conners after the races were called! Thank you, Mrs. Conner for all the food! Lemme tell ya, this lady was PREPARED!!!! Hanging out like that reminded me of the good old days at St Charles Speedway!
Hummmm.... Let me think. 2 guys tied in points - 1 guy wins 5 features - 1 guy wins 1 feature. 1 guy never passed the other guy in a heat race, or a feature the whole season. - But 1 guy is fairly new to SFCR - maybe we should give it to the one who had the least amount of trouble this year and crys the loudest.

MODERATOR'S NOTE: Don't go there. They are checking over all the points from the start through Saturday night. They will be using a tie-breaker to decide the track champion.

Sorry, until now I tryed not to put anything negative about anyone on this forum, but other people caused me to have a weak moment. I apologize :( if I was out of line. -- MULTIFAN
I think multifan wants a championship more than us drivers do. maybe we should put him and mr. moss in the cars this weekend and let them dice it out. (can't we all just get along?)
grudge race

Dickman57d - that's the best idea you've come up with in a long time. Let's give them something to talk about. The cream will rise to the top.
if the track is going to pay money for the starting spots in the feature why not pay points too. neither driver had a problem in the heat and they had to earn that spot to begin with. and as far as the cream goes just go get a twinkie
Congratulations Mike Francis!!!!!

:D :D Just want to say congratulations on getting track champion from all of us.
:cool: :cool: :D :D WAY TO GO MIKEEEE!!!!!:D :D :cool: :cool:

From Lou, Yvonne, Dylan, and Jesilyn Driemeier
Congratulations to Matt Eaton! Now maybe Terry can breathe a little easier. :D

Also Congratulations to Mike Francis on the modified championship!
GRUDGE RACE!!! Sweet! May the most creamy creamer win the cream! "What do we have for them today Johnny" Well Bob, As a nice parting gift today our guest will take home a oatmeal CREAM pie from little debbie snack cakes, A pound of CREAM corn from the green giant and a years supply of Cream of sum yun gy!!! Congrats to all you hard working creamers out there! TV AD!! TODAY BUD LIGHT SALUTES you Mr. Creamy Dude! Real American Hero!! Heres to you ole sultan of the Cream!

(This sounds like something form the WWF!) Lets all cut the cream, and get on with it
nice comeback XiBALBA, you don't even realize it, but now you have become a member of the WWF. (It's kinda like fishing, and I just hooked a big one.)

Now I'm being serious -- for the record -- Dickerman would rather run the feature this Saturday night to deside the championship -- (No such thing as co-champion)
Multifan, I believe in putting this to rest, No co-champ! (DUMB) this takes away from both drivers. Everyone wants a winner, thats why I hate hockey because can play your tail off and still be no further than you were before when you tie. This has to be a done deal, or you still dont have a real champ! The winner should not be crowned till the green flag drops and every lap has been ran. The heats to me mean squat! You cant call a race a race if your gonna award a champ by the heats. The 57 may be the Zar of the Creamland but not till its all done. Im not related to either car in question, just an avid race fan with some racing background and I sure as heck wouldnt wanna go out like that even if it was to the good. You gotta know you got whats commin to ya honest! And in my mind the fat lady hasnt even warmed up yet!
and I aint no member of the WWF, just have a wild sense of humor!

WingsRock said:
Congratulations to Matt Eaton! Now maybe Terry can breathe a little easier. :D

Also Congratulations to Mike Francis on the modified championship!
You and dad worked very hard for that championship and you deserve it! I know it didn't end the way we wanted it to........especially with that being the last night for the sportsmen at SFCR. We would have rather raced the features and let the sportsmen guys say their good-byes the proper way to the fans! Gotta admit, we were all a little nervous going into the night but knew you had it wrapped up after the heat race! We are very proud of you and I know Bradley would love to celebrate this championship with ya. But, you know he's looking down on ya and is proud of you! He's ALWAYS with us in our hearts though. As Mark mentioned above, hopefully dad can breathe a little easier now....and smoke ALOT less cigarettes. I think he may need a new pair of walking shoes though...he wore those out with all his pacing back and forth. :D :p Good job and good luck at the Fall Nationals.

Are the points counted yet, man i didn't have to wait this long during the presidential election! Whats up? Budweiser presents: "YOU MAKE THE CALL"
