2012....Lets show some support!!!

i think u r right tommy but who in there right mind would build a car to race there for a half of a season every other year if anything offends anyone sorry but the truth hurts
amen brother!!!! Amen!!!!!
I would love to see the rock open back up..we currently run Doe Run but we would gladly spend our money at our hometown track. To us, there is no contest between doe run and the rock...please open back up to the multi's...im sure we could get more to come down.
You're right, no contest...lol. The Rock would have to actually be opened for that. Sorry that DRR has disappointed you...

I hope they can find enough cars to be successful if they do reopen, but they've burned so many in the past that it's gonna be a bumpy road back to where they were... And splitting the multis with DRR would be as smart and successful as it was with the dwarfcars/mod lites, 305's or ministocks... They need to keep their focus on classes that aren't running up the road on the same night. JMO
True, there would be some competition trying to pull cars from another track on the same night. Someone had commented earlier about possibly running on sunday night. I dont know how many other people are in favor for that but I am. But there are some pros and cons to that...they would have to start earlier in the day to end at a decent time for everyone to get home in time to go to work the next day and for the drivers to get home.

DRR itself hasn't disappointed me....Bobby is doing the best job he can to keep everything running smoothly and so has the track officials.
I am planing on racing at Fredericktown Raceway full time in 2012 and I am in progress building new pro 4. I know the plans that Curley and Ann got for the track in 2012. So lets have a great racing season for the owne
rs and the fans. LETS GO RACING
Thats awesome, sounds as if your the only one that deffinately has knowledge of whats really going on. Thats the problem with Curley and Ann, always talking behind peoples back trying to use a few people to get the word out so they will think they are their buddy. Curley and Ann i only can help you all with one word, " COMMUNICATION" I'll even repeat this for you all. "COMMUNICATION" Thats your first step in being successful in running a track. One more time,"COMMUNICATION". Im sure it didnt help, but you never know. Good luck. Oh yeah in case you all dont know, the word, "COMMUNICATION", is in the dictionary.
I dont think it makes any difference what night they run, with the classes that I am hearing rumors of, it probably isnt gonna work. With all entry level classes, the majority of the people in the stands are the families of the racers. In recent years, this has proven not to be enough income to sustain the track. I believe the idea behind "promoting" is to attract new fans (i.e. customers) and along with that, new money.
It is not up to the racers to build cars and support a track just hoping for the best, it is up to the track to PROMOTE and do things to draw racers and fans.
As I have stated many times before, I want this place to succeed as much as anyone, but it isnt gonna happen if things are being done like they were before.
I dont think it makes any difference what night they run, with the classes that I am hearing rumors of, it probably isnt gonna work. With all entry level classes, the majority of the people in the stands are the families of the racers. In recent years, this has proven not to be enough income to sustain the track. I believe the idea behind "promoting" is to attract new fans (i.e. customers) and along with that, new money.
It is not up to the racers to build cars and support a track just hoping for the best, it is up to the track to PROMOTE and do things to draw racers and fans.
As I have stated many times before, I want this place to succeed as much as anyone, but it isnt gonna happen if things are being done like they were before.
yea , it would if they had the right management, pays and so on. when Terry Flanigon ran this track we had the car counts up and guarantee if he were back it would be again successful. But that bridge was burnt and tore down when curly did thing s behind his back. sometimes an owner with a bible just needs to sit back, relax and collect his money and shut up. But who knows as much as he loved that track, he could return. But win an owner wants all the earnings and gets rid of one the best track promoters just to put an extra two hunded dollars in the pocket. oh well i dont have to say anymore. The proof was in the pudding, "a closed race track" I know id team back up with Terry and it would be the Rock reopen, but without that guy, not a chance.
Well the rock opening back up will be great. but if no one is saying the classes untill a drivers meeting ,untill december, doesnt help unless it is classes that have run here already. yes the purestreets have been a good class there. Some havnt done so well. I liked watching all the classes there. The carts were a little dull with the few that were there. It is nice to have a place for the young racers to start. There is a smaller track around for them to do that on though. I think a full size truck class would be interesting if you are wanting to try something new. The Rock would just have to show a comitment of being open all season for people to build something new that is not run around here. If the purestreets are scheduled you will see me there, work permiting. just my $.02 Thanks Ronnie Sweeney
Just how stupid can someone be??????????Just the thaught of deleting the pure street class would be a COMPLETE disaster for this track!!!!!The pure streets have ALWAYS been there when others were not.Just to even think they could open and survive with a new born class------WELL___wont happen.Why would someone even consider building a car to run there to race 2-3 months in 2 years??????There have been considerations of others leasing the track to have it operational,however this would be a complete lease------NOT just the track---the lease would have to include the concessions.That being said---This is my personal opinion-as I sponsor SEVERAL--race cars.Communication would be great from the owners,Hell NO_ONE knows what is going on there--Only speculation!!!Curley you need to grow a pair and meet people--not pass the word to a few.A commitment would help---------COMMUUNICATION__COMMITMENT__HONESTY--prevaling words-------------JMO>-----Jim Randolph--RANDOLPH<TOWING AND SALVAGE-proud sponsors of 1-3-26-7-7n-22-3b-10-----------------------Thank You--------
If you people don't like the way Curley and Ann run the track don't come. Just keep your happy butts at Farmington's crap hole track and also at Doe Run's. You people think it's easy to run a dirt track haha. Like to see you guys run a track and see how easy it is to get cars and people in the stands. Better yet just buy Fredericktown Raceway and see how many people bad mouth you lol.
With your endorsement "mud", I'm sure fans will overflow the stands and they'll be pitting a couple classes on the parking lot. Sounds like you're the authority!

BTW, rule number one on getting cars and fans is probably to keep the place open for the entire season...and at this point it might take two to convince some folks!

Good luck with that...
what is sad there isnt one person on here that says they r racing here just all of us that has supported the track which is getting kicked to the curb i tryed to call curly 4 2 weeks now and he wont answer the phone i guess all the purestocks r really stepping up here and showing there support
I was by the track a few times last fall and this summer and didnt see any of those improvements that was suppose to happen when they closed the track early in 2010...So what make anybody think they will make a go of it again, we were told they going to do improvements that they had been working on for several years ??????????..............just my 2 cents
If you people don't like the way Curley and Ann run the track don't come. Just keep your happy butts at Farmington's crap hole track and also at Doe Run's. You people think it's easy to run a dirt track haha. Like to see you guys run a track and see how easy it is to get cars and people in the stands. Better yet just buy Fredericktown Raceway and see how many people bad mouth you lol.

um,duh, that's a given.... "keep your butts at sfcr and drr"............ will do! they're the only 2 tracks in the area that ARE OPEN. but if i'm ever feeling bored, i'll make a trip down to the rock and .....uh........ watch the weeds grow i guess... excellent PR skills by the way...
If you people don't like the way Curley and Ann run the track don't come. Just keep your happy butts at Farmington's crap hole track and also at Doe Run's. You people think it's easy to run a dirt track haha. Like to see you guys run a track and see how easy it is to get cars and people in the stands. Better yet just buy Fredericktown Raceway and see how many people bad mouth you lol.
Wow,!!! how many more people you gonna run off after that answer. No its called, The four D's in operating a track. Devotion, Dedication,Determination and Dollars. Add alitte spice,"communication" and wala, its up and running. Yea the hardest part is the dollar, but in most cases if you have the other four ingredients it comes back. But people like you mud, can destroy a race track before it is even started. People are just throwing out there advice on making it work. They are what We call, "communicating". That is the key ingredient to any business to get up and running and to be able to survive. And there is some colleges that offer a class on how to better your communications skill. So just hone on all the different advices people are offering and dont throw a temper tampern evertime you see something you dont like. When curly fired his best man and then his best tower guy. all we said was its your lost and so far we been right. Now be nice and take advice.
Just how stupid can someone be??????????Just the thaught of deleting the pure street class would be a COMPLETE disaster for this track!!!!!The pure streets have ALWAYS been there when others were not.Just to even think they could open and survive with a new born class------WELL___wont happen.Why would someone even consider building a car to run there to race 2-3 months in 2 years??????There have been considerations of others leasing the track to have it operational,however this would be a complete lease------NOT just the track---the lease would have to include the concessions.That being said---This is my personal opinion-as I sponsor SEVERAL--race cars.Communication would be great from the owners,Hell NO_ONE knows what is going on there--Only speculation!!!Curley you need to grow a pair and meet people--not pass the word to a few.A commitment would help---------COMMUUNICATION__COMMITMENT__HONESTY--prevaling words-------------JMO>-----Jim Randolph--RANDOLPH<TOWING AND SALVAGE-proud sponsors of 1-3-26-7-7n-22-3b-10-----------------------Thank You--------
Hey Jim would love to get some of your BAR-B-QUE AT THE TRACK!!!!!!! Chili isnt quite right in the middle of summer!!!!!! HA!!! See you soon Jimmy!!!