305 Sprint Car Roll Call


Jeff Palazzolo
The Worrell-Palazzolo race team plans on being at Fredericktown tomorrow May 7th.
We have towed there twice, the last race in 2009 and the first race 2010 and been the only 305 sprint car to show up. Needless to say we are not too much interested in just going in circles without competition.
With it being roughly 210 miles round trip I would like to know if anyone else plans on attending?
If you plan on coming, or know a team that is planning on coming please post, or give me a call 636-448-2301
I have been in contact with some of the Lebanon, Mo. guy's trying to drum up some cars, however they are looking at later in the year.
Jeff Palazzolo
what is the payout for the 305s i know cory sold his motor he wont be there i dont have mine ready and depends on the payout
Well unless we can get a Firm confirmation by 2:00 pm that other sprinters will be there we are gonna have to withdraw from coming down there and adding to the purse. Just no other choice, we can't keep wasting 100 bills just to burn gasoline thru the tow rig, and especially since we have 2 micros sitting ready to go.
Jeff.... 636 448-2301
Howard... 314-821-4356
Hey we would put the wing on anytime, and they might pay more money if we could gather more than 3 cars at one time.. (And that was with the wings on I might add)
The only reason for taking the wings off for closer racing and not have to have a gear rule. That what someone wanted was a gear rule
