7p and 3L


Why in the world would Allied let the 7p stay out when he had NO control of the Mod at times on the track? Hey 7p do you even know what a lap flag looks like?? If you dont you ask someone. 3L I know you do since you have been lapped so many times. There was NO reason that you both took out Matt Mevert. Matt had the feature won and you (7p) and the 3L which was racing for last place took out Matt cause they wouldnt let him pass them. When the lead car come up to you next time let him go dont hold him up. You two didnt even have a chance in hell of winning at all. I think the 7p and the 3L should chip in and fix Matt's car for him.
I cringed when I saw Matt decide to split the two of them...

To his credit, I believe that may of been the 7P first time in a mod...
they were given the flag for 4 straight laps, yet they decided to continue to hold up the leader. They should make it a requirement to be able to keep your car up to speed or else get black flagged.
In the past Allied's passing flag meant you are to hold your line, the person trying to pass will figure out how to make the pass.
The thought was that if the lapped car moves over, either up or down the track, they may move into the lead cars path. Like one of the owners of the track says "it's 50% the other guys fault since he is on the track with you"


People say I'm getting crankier as I get older. That's not it. I just find I enjoy annoying people a lot more now. Especially younger people!!!
yeah tough break for Matt , but its racing im sure the other guys who were in the way feel bad or at least i hope, but u have to start somewhere, u know alot of people complain about slow cars in the way get off the track this and that , but im sure the best drivers we see now started out like that. u just don't hop in a car and become a champion . all the big dogs were once lap cars that got in the way but they learned along the way with more seat time they got . point is yes in was a bummer for Matt but there no reason to jump on a guy and make fun of them because they are a lap car . jmo
yeah tough break for Matt , but its racing im sure the other guys who were in the way feel bad or at least i hope, but u have to start somewhere, u know alot of people complain about slow cars in the way get off the track this and that , but im sure the best drivers we see now started out like that. u just don't hop in a car and become a champion . all the big dogs were once lap cars that got in the way but they learned along the way with more seat time they got . point is yes in was a bummer for Matt but there no reason to jump on a guy and make fun of them because they are a lap car . jmo
Great post!! both guys from what i hear were new. I wasnt there...but i dont recognize either name. Like 99 said...if they were holding their lines and they got wrecked........leaders fault. if they drifted down or up into the leaders......their fault. I wasnt there as i said............but thats the way it is. Trust me.........everyone gets lapped when new and i mean..........everyone.
The other issue was that those 2 cars were racing each other while being lap traffic.I too thought that the lap flag just means to hold your line and since they were side by side it seemed like neither of them could figure out where to go.Was a bad deal all the way around.But like dixon#1 said everyone starts somewhere and hopefully they learn and it wont be an issue next time.
Great post!! both guys from what i hear were new. I wasnt there...but i dont recognize either name. Like 99 said...if they were holding their lines and they got wrecked........leaders fault. if they drifted down or up into the leaders......their fault. I wasnt there as i said............but thats the way it is. Trust me.........everyone gets lapped when new and i mean..........everyone.

one of the drivers has been racing for a while
I stand corrected. Bummer deal then. Matt is a great driver.....guessin it is just one of those deals. Ive been in that situation and its a give or take deal. Racing hard for back pack but yet the lay over flag flies. Anytime that happened to me i usually got punted by the guy i was racing with.........not the leader. Actually happened to me twice in the same night......by the same guy.
I realize the 7p is new but someone should tell him to start in the rear! The heat race was almost a disaster, I am not bashing him but he should start in the back till he gets the hang of things. I know his crew heard me from the stands so maybe he will next week. As far as 3L he has raced for like 10 years so it is what it is.
Remember when new drivers dropped to the back of the line-up and "got their feet wet" until they started getting lapped and then they got out of the way(pulled off)? Common courtesy is something that not many drivers/people have nowadays!
It seems to me that the leader got over aggressive in trying to spit the two cars and got caught. He had time to see what line they were runing and could not find away around them. So he tried to spit them and got caught that is just part of it.
Ken they both got the lap flag for 4 laps so i guess you didnt see that either like the 7p and the 3L huh? When I raced years ago when the lap flag came out you either went high or low and let the leader go by. What is the use to race for last place when your not that good and the pay is the same?
It seems to me that the leader got over aggressive in trying to spit the two cars and got caught. He had time to see what line they were runing and could not find away around them. So he tried to spit them and got caught that is just part of it.
You say he had time to get around them, well I'm sure you have never been in a race car then. What to you is enough time, when your in the lead and trying to win a race. The last I looked there aren't any rear view mirrors, you have earplugs in and a helmit on which also limits your surroundings. I'm sure his pit crews hands were coming closer together as he was behind these guys for four laps, which tells him he has got to go. It did **** for him but it is something that happens to leaders at various tracks. So it goes to prove that it just isn't tight tracks but big tracks also. Not blaming anyone here, it was all in racing. Every position is important to everyone. Next to the last place is better than last.
hello! I am, Bill LaRue, the driver of the 3L. I am not out to wreck or mess up anybody's car! I have been racing on & off for years. My old car was a harris chassis & I now have a Impressive chassis. I have known Jumper for years. I have been having trouble trying to get all the new style rear steer figured out. We were getting pretty consistant with the car, when 3 weeks ago, we were running 10th & there was a spin in front of us. I spun to keep from hitting them hard & while we were setting with the caution already out, a car came all out & nailed us so bad on the right side it totaled my chassis. We had to replace it but i didnt ***** & cry about it (thats racing). We just got this car back together & I am not out to screw anyone. I saw the flag & was trying to hold your line like we are told by the officals of Allied. I feel it was a bad decision for Matt to try & split us but its not like you have a lot of time to make decisions. He felt he could or he wouldn't have tried. They said his right side was flat & I was on the left. He got into my right side so i don't know what happend to cause it. It happens every week one way or another. Three weeks, all three top finishers were tore all up from running hard. Again, I am not out to mess up anyone & I am there to race. So that's what I am going to do. Whether I am first or last...
Two points. First in the drivers meetings they tell drivers that if they see the lap flag to hold there lines the leaders have caught them and they will find away around them. In this case two cars were racing each other for position. I never said he had time to get around them What I was saying is he had as you said four laps watching them trying to get around them before he chose to try to split them. Which did not work out in his favor .As I see it it was just part of racing. Neither driver seem to change the way they were driving.
The lap flag means hold your line, not move around. It's not their obligation, nor are they expected to pull over for the leader. They were racing for position. It's the leaders responsibility to find a way around them.

This situation ****s for Matt, but i promise you he didn't expect them to just pull over. He's raced with lap cars before, he knows the drill.

BTW, I am. Mevert fan. That guy is a helluva wheel.
Matt followed those guys for 3 to 4 laps he should have seen that guy was coming down on 3l every lap coming out of 4 why try to split those cars there wait till they was going into 1 were they both was staying low he was a lot faster than both cars and the high side was working for Walsh pass there. I feel it was a racing deal.