Tri-City Speedway Amy Swindell's Post on FB....All driver's should read

Some are northerners and some are southerners, and as you know it's like 2 different countries in the way they think. Many in the UK now complain about NHS with just the things you commented on
(packed 1950's style green drab paint/linoleum hallways hospital bustling with people. NHS being downtrodden, going broke.) Their issue with this is because of the cut backs for the NHS by the Tories (conservatives) it's the age old story, the rich get richer the working class gets screwed. It has many of my friends very upset.

The ultimate Tory (conservatives) goal is to make people in the UK hate the NHS (which they used to love when it was properly funded and the service was good) so it can be sold off to private investors who can turn it all into another business they can make a ton of money out of.

Best way to do that is to gut the funding so it can't deliver. We see the same thing here in the USA with the VA system. It's been so underfunded and gutted for so many years that now veterans are not getting the treatment and care they earned. So the answer?

Give out a card that authorizes vets to go to any private provider who can then BILL the VA for their services. Talk about a recipe for fraud, overcharging and abuse, this is it. And by underfunding a health care system it is inevitable it will fail to deliver. But rest assured the big healthcare providers are wringing their hands with glee at all the new "customers" they just got gifted.

I think it boils down to what do you want from your health care "system?" Are you a patient who just wants good quality healthcare in a timely manner at a price that doesn't require you pledging your income for the rest of you life to paying it off, or are you a person who wants to make a lot of money out of other people's disease and misfortune? Because the goal of your health care system determines the approach and I don't think you can have big profits and a good system without it costing everyone a fortune.

Not sure that health care should be treated as a "market" the same as any other. It's not like health care is optional when you're sick.
Right on the money t.nie. (Oops, maybe I shouldn't use the word 'money' in the context of our conversation.) Right on the mark! Shocking how many people vote against their own self interest. I feel if the people were properly informed and not blindly follow partisan political talking heads, paid for by Insurance/parma interests. We are becoming a plutocratic country. Lobbying and Citizens United (and what a bull-shit name that is. It should be called, Uberweathy versus Citizens.) is the real cancer against our democracy.
This is a auto racing forum and I really feel what we are discussing here with health care is important to our racing family, drivers, crews, spectators, track owners/promoters, and wanting the best for you.
Good info and thoughts. I do have a question. I heard there are no law suits in universal health care, is that true or at least not so rampant?
Good info and thoughts. I do have a question. I heard there are no law suits in universal health care, is that true or at least not so rampant?
Bopper, t.nie would have more insite on this having lived in the UK. However the simple answer is if you receive universal health care there is no point in suing for it (your medical expenses). In the US If you are hurt in a accident you sue to get compensation (from a person, business, etc. e.g. A tire flying into the grandstands and you are hit by it.) That is liability insurance (you may have if someone is hurt in your front yard) but because we do not have universal health care you also sue to pay for your medical expenses. British lawers called Solicitors, (most) don't practice ambulance chasing, (and the Gov. is passing new laws to stop it.) they have a "no win, no fee" system. Britian is not a litigation crazy society like the US. People don't sue over their coffee was to to hot, etc.
One more thing, if you have insurance, and you think all is good. CHECK THE SMALL PRINT in your policy. You may not be covered for "high risk" activity. Things like auto racing, private plane flying, sky diving. Years ago I checked with my employer to see if I was covered. I was not. I was fortunate that the company I worked for was willing to pay the extra fee to have me covered while racing.
With insurance policies don't assume anything!!
Go to K&K insurance and read the reviews and look at all the crazy things they insure you will be surprised!
Just ask the tracks.
That's funny you say that my daughter flipped at your track. Tried many times to contact you and never a response. She had a ambulance ride to granite city hospital and then to children's for a over night stay. You never paid a dime on that. We even came to the track and tried taking to you nothing. So don't say ask the track!!!!
Your Insurance was the Primary and our Insurance was secondary. The Insurance company makes the decision to pay not us.

I posted this so Driver's would get the additional Insurance that their Insurance and the Tracks won't cover.

The UK has a very different court system and judicial philosophy in general when it comes to "suing" someone. Basically they don't put much stock in "compensating" someone beyond loss. Which means when I had my motorcycle wreck because this guy turned in front of me and I T-Boned the car and it was totally his fault, it turned out that the most I was ever going to get was replacement cost of the motorcycle (didn't have full coverage on it, it was too old and I had paid cash for it anyway and couldn't afford the premium for full comp) and loss of wages when I was out of work for a few months recovering. Then I got a little extra because the company I worked for fired me the day I went back to work for "non-attendance." But all it amounted to was lost wages for the time in between jobs and that was it for compensating me. The rest went to my solicitor (what they call a lawyer.) It was about a 50/50 split in the end.

Since there is an NHS there were no massive medical bills to pay off after. So that was a good thing.

I never saw a class action lawsuit in the UK. They make you sue one on one, each individual has to bring their own case. So companies get away with a lot. The whole system there is stacked in favor of the corporations and wealthy against the little guy. They keep people broke and then make them take on Goliath with no resources and a raft of laws to (in their version of justice) keep the playing field fair.... meaning big corporations and people with lots of dough have the courts in their favor before you even start. The idea is its going to cost whomever you are suing and you the same amount to go to court, why should you not pay your way too? If you can't afford, that is not anyone else's problem. And again, you cannot form a class action, you have to do it one on one.

They also value human life far less than they value cash. You can steal 50000 pounds and get 12-15 years in jail for it, you can sell drugs and make 50000 and get 25 years for it, you can kill someone and get 7. Crimes that involve money are punished far more severely than violent crime. But that kind of stops with the working class too. Bankers, stock brokers, lawyers, Doctors don't ever get jail time for their crimes. I remember one famous case where a wealthy business guy was busted embezzling a couple million and his punishment was "go back to work and pay the money back and 2 years probation." At the time there was some other high profile case of some kid who had stolen 20000 or something and got hit with a 12 year jail sentence, so there was some public outcry about the unfairness of it all. That led to some City of London stock broker being interview on TV and his statement was "but you don't understand, the embarrassment and humiliation is worse than having to pay the money back or any jail sentence you could possibly impose!" for the rich guy. Apparently having your reputation tarnished is just a death sentence to that class of folks.... the rest of the population get thrown in jail for years.

Of course, that dude is still a stock broker, still living the good life, hiding his face driving his Rolls and having to use the back entrance to his mansion. But he is just humiliated, and that is punishment enough for him.

Different world over there. Totally different world. Some things better, some things worse. But totally different world.
Very interesting insight! I heard you cannot sue a dr or hospital in a universal health care system which would save tons of money I would think. Universal is coming especially with Trump coming. I need to know if I should fight for it or against. This obamacare is the worst I have seen by far in my life time. I just can't see how you can add thousands of beuracrats and save money. Thanks for the insight.
