Federated Auto Parts @ I-55 B-Mod rule changes for I-55


Staff member
Pro-Mods (b-mods) at Federated Auto Parts Raceway at I-55 will be allowed the limiting chain on the left rear. The non-Crate motors will also have the same weight limits as last year.
Pro-Mods (b-mods) at Federated Auto Parts Raceway at I-55 will be allowed the limiting chain on the left rear. The non-Crate motors will also have the same weight limits as last year.
I would think if your going to change a rule, why wouldn't you jump on board with tri city and run the same rules as they do. tri city has the best car count of any other track that runs b-mods. my opinion if you want people in the stands put more cars in the pits.
